The OB lette

Jun 17, 2013

Okay so we held this back yesterday just so we could give him all the attention he deserves.
So guess who's birthday fell on Father's Day? Ob Abenser! Yes, exciting we know and that's why we're celebrating him today.
Ob's the founder of FashionistaGH, a fashion blogger and great videographer. Close to two years in the industry, he's managed to make tremendous impact and carve a name for himself as well. We're trying to do a head count of which brands he's worked with but that just seems impossible, he's been with almost everyone. 
Our guy's an ardent worker, he loves what he does and goes all out for it. How he manages to flash a smile at everyone and crack jokes even in the heat of the most difficult situations is still a wonder to us all. 
With the success of the FashionistaGH Shopping Festival, his award from the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the fgh TV coming up, he has a lot to celebrate now and even more to rejoice for soon. 
We're priviledged to have the coolest and most visionary guy ever heading us and we take pride in the knowledge that we have the gem of the fashion industry next to us.
So on a great day like this, we'll wish our father, friend and boss Ob, many more years of hard work and the sweet success that comes with it.


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